Married to the Military by Meredith Leyva
Separated by Duty, United by Love by Shellie Vandevoorde
Homes Fires Burning: Married to the Military for Better or for Worse by Karen Houpeert
Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives by Jocelyn Green
We Serve Too! by Kathleen Edick & Paula Johnson
I Wish Daddy Was Here by Katherine DeMille
When War Comes Home by Marshele Waddell
Mommy, You're My Hero by Michelle Ferguson-Cohen
While You Are Away by Eileen Spinelli
Love, Lizzie: Letters to a Military Mom by Lisa Tucker McElroy
Leaving Your Family Behind: Preparing for Military Deployment Bible Study by New Growth Press
Reuniting after Military Deployment: Help for the Transistion Bible Study by New Growth Press
Authority Issues: When It's Hard Being Told What to Do Bible Study by New Growth Press
Helpful Websites
These resources are listed for the benefit of military familes. They are not necessarily endorsed by Cliffdale Community Church or its staff. Websites are subject to change but were verified at the time of posting.